Thursday, September 22, 2011

Girls night!

On tuesday, some of my best friends and I, plus Olivia, had a girls night! We went to Central Market and got food. It was my very first time to go to Central Market. It was AMAZING. I could live there. After getting our delicious foods we headed to the botanical gardens. We found the perfect spot and got set up to eat, on our picnic blanket. As soon as we were settled...The sprinklers came on. It was hilarious. Girls were running around grabbing things, baby was crying...thankfully the food was fine. We then moved to the other end of the field and got re-settled. We ate and chatted for a while, then all of a sudden...sprinklers. AGAIN! These came up practically right on top of us. Helen quickly grabbed my camera and covered it from the showers, Chelsea covered all the food and the only thing I could do to keep olivia from getting drenched, was turn myself into a human shield, and throw the blanket over her other half, while she cried hysterically. So, I imagine it was a funny sight to see. After that, we gave up and went to Helen's apartment to finish our dinner. Here are some pictures of our failed garden picnic.

Delicious foods.
Helen and her tea.
Chelsea. I love her sweater.
Livie-Lou, ready for some food.
Mmm. Sweet potatoes.

It was a pretty hilarious night, full of laughter (and a few baby tears) and I can't wait to do it again. Minus the sprinklers.

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