Friday, February 17, 2012

Morning sickness? More like "Haha you're sick all day long!" sickness.

I remember feeling queasy with my first pregnancy, but this time around...I want to die. The weird thing is, I haven't actually ever thrown up. (TMI? Oh well!) I don't know what's worse, actually throwing up, or wanting to throw up so badly, but you can't. When I was pregnant with Olivia, I craved french fries and salad, and the smell of meat made me so sick. With this babe, I'm craving BBQ, burritos, mashed potatoes, and steak. Chicken makes me want to puke, and fried things, too. It's funny how things can be so different from one pregnancy to the next. I have found that peppermint tea makes a queasy tummy feel soothed. I don't know what I would do without my peppermint tea.

I had a sonogram and we got to hear the heartbeat! I'm only 6 1/2 weeks along though. It feels like I have forever to go, but I know it's gonna fly by...especially since I have a 1 year old to chase after, too. October can't get here fast enough! It's gonna be a busy busy busy month. Baby will get here, Preston turns 25, and Olivia turns 2! I'm the only one who won't be celebrating a birthday in October. Haha. I'll have to try to plan our next babe to come in March, so I can have a birthday buddy. :)

We've got a lot of planning to do before this baby gets here. Things are a little uncertain, financially, right now. We're praying that this is remedied very soon. Please, Lord.

All in all, despite being sick, despite money woes, I am so incredibly happy to be a mom again. Having a baby is the most exciting adventure. I can't wait to see Olivia turn into a big sister. (We are praying she adjusts well.) I'm excited to be a family of 4! ♥

1 comment:

  1. oh goodness, that sounds dreadful! but way to be optimistic ; ) xo.
